Sunday, 28 October 2012

WKD, Busted and the Nostalgia filter

I am procrastinating.

I have an English essay due in Tuesday, a Psychology essay due in some time next week, and I am sitting here blogging. This cannot be good.
Luckily, next week is reading week for psychology, so I only have English and Dinosaur class. That gives me plenty of time to work. Now the question is, will I actually do it?

Right now I'm drinking WKD (the drink of underage kids who can get served but haven't the balls to drink real alcohol and/or lightweights)  eating Doritos with salsa, listening to Busted and trying to resist the urge to play with the mini-babybel wax. I never thought I would miss high school, and let me tell you... I was right. If people had known I was a fan of Busted I might actually have had more shit to deal with than I already did.
However, it does have quite a nostalgic feel to it, and I have to say, with the number of nights I was up late finishing off coursework in just this situation (though with an adored but now sadly departed CD player instead of a laptop and youtube) you might think it'd get me in the mood.
You'd be wrong. Even then I was a dreadful procrastinator and struggled to meet deadlines. I've actually gotten significantly better about it, which really says a lot about how bad I used to be.

Well, I do actually need to get this essay in if I want to pass my course, so I need to go. Which basically means I'll be heading back to the year 3000 and trying to imagine what it would look like if Matt Willis and James Bourne had a son (sorry Charlie, nothing personal, honest :) )

You know you're a hipster when...

... The word 'mainstream' is a legitimate part of your vocabulary.
... You yourself don't know who half the bands on your playlist are.
... Most of the T-shirts you own have either the name of some band nobody's ever heard of or some 'edgy' slogan, just for the sake of making people look at you funny.
... You spend your English class discussing poetry you never bothered to read.

Friday, 19 October 2012

I can dress myself

I seem to have been hit by my yearly existential crisis earlier this week. They always seem to come in October. It doesn't help that so far university has been nothing but an exercise in reminding me of all of the things I'm not very good at and all of the people that are better than me.
Writing out Author bios on Monday evening and realised not for the first time that I've done nothing of value with my life.
Tuesday, Fencing, and I correctly put the kit on without assistance. You'd think I'd feel good about that, but it's basically saying that I can dress myself.
Wednesday, overslept and turned up half an hour late for a lecture. Teacher didn't hold it against me, though. We then spent the lab putting toy dinosaurs in buckets of water and doing maths. I dropped a bucket when I was filling it (well, it actually fell off the side as I was leaving to fetch a jug) and made a mess, so not good.
Yesterday went alright, because I didn't really do anything. I made spag bog and didn't actually food poison myself, but apparently you can't actually get food poisoning from mince beef, so that probably explains it. I froze half of it and have just microwaved it, which is the half of cooking that I don't struggle with. Might do chile tomorrow, as I have the stuff and still have mince I need to use.

And none of that had any relevance to anything, and has probably bored anybody reading this senseless. Oh well. It's not like anything interesting ever happens to me anyway.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

All I can taste is string...

I meant to upload this last night, but...

So, I actually did go to my quidditch social, which was a quiz night. I was rubbish, to say the least. But the last round was a physical trail, and my team ended up volunteering me, because nobody else wanted to do it.
I had to eat doughnuts off a piece of string without my hands.
All that I could taste for the rest of the night was string. Doughnuts or no doughnuts, it was not a pleasant experience.
Still, we came second and only lost on the tie-breaker, so the night wasn't a complete bust.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Go Figure

So, my last week has been... hectic, of a sorts. I've already missed deadlines, maintaining my track record of "How the hell is she not failing". I've got quite a bit of work, to say the least, and I'd been hoping for a couple of weeks of getting it easy to start with.
Sunday is quickly turning into one of my worst days, just because it's the day I do all my sports on. Yesterday it was archery, netball and quidditch, because I'm just awesome, but I'd somehow pulled an abdominal muscle some time prior to this, so I now feel pretty much dead. And I have lessons all day on Monday to boot, so I don't get much of a rest.
But, I don't suppose I can complain much, given that the sports are optional and all. I just don't like the painful realisation of how out of shape I am. I mean, I knew I was out of shape, but they didn't need to rub my face in it.
And, today, as often happens, people seem to be seeking to cost me money that I don't have. This time it was in the shape of a used CD sale outside of the SU building, which is pretty much a given where costing me money is considered. I picked up a couple of CDs, so I now know what I'm doing tonight. That, and possibly making an actual attempt to cook. I think there may be a social on tonight, but I still have fresher's flu, my stomach still hurts and I probably look worse than I feel, so there's no guarantee that I'll go. They've probably all seen enough of me anyway.

And I've just realised that while this was originally intended as a writing blog, focussed on my writing funnily enough, it's basically turned into me bitching about my life. Go figure.

You know that you're an alcoholic when...

... You accidentally water the houseplants with gin and tonic because you mistook it for tap water (I haven't done that in a few months, mind, but alas, it has been done).
... You go to the shop in flip-flops when it's cold and wet out, because you can't be bothered to put proper shoes on but you've ran out of gin.
... You can't decide which you need more out of a poster of cocktail recipes and a poster of hangover cures, so you get the 'Shit Happens' poster instead.

Friday, 5 October 2012


Almost forgot: I'll be putting up a publishing list, letting you all know when I've unleashed a new piece of writing upon the unwitting world. It can be found at

I may put up separate ones for pseudonyms, or I may just put them all on the same one. I haven't quite decided yet. I'll get back to you all on it.

You know that you're in the middle of nowhere when...

~Not when one of your uni buildings has a field with a horse next door, because while it is odd some people do have enough land in the outskirts and suburbs to keep horses (there were some such people round the corner at home, and I kind of miss being able to walk the dogs past the horses. Maybe I'll go visit the horse here)
~Not when there are fields with cows in them, as while you do not get that even in the outskirts and suburbs you do see such fields lining the motorway and most people who live in cities have indeed seen a cow before.
~Yes, when you see random pheasants off the edge of the path when you're walking across campus. Seriously, a frickin' pheasant. You don't even get those things at nature reserves. I mean, I have literally only ever seen them at my Dad's golf club, and I think somebody puts them there deliberately just to make it look posh. That is how far out in the middle of nowhere I am right now, there are pheasants walking about the place and I swear I was the only person who looked even remotely surprised by it.

Notably, I am procrastinating right now. Not only was I given an essay over a week ago now that I've not yet even started (and I think may be due in for Monday) I also HAVE to start editing, for a story going into an anthology, and I DO have a deadline for when it has to be done by. As anybody whom actually reads this shall soon learn, I am not a fan of editing (and it would seem my stories do need a lot more editing than I often assume, although that's partly because I look for any excuse I can to get out of editing). So, yeah, that's why this blog is being written, because I'm actually supposed to be doing something else.

And in other news, I actually cooked a whole stir-fry all by myself the other night and I haven't died from food poisoning yet - yes, I did actually eat it, and it was for the most part tolerable. I'm quite proud of myself for that.
So, that's about it really. And now I have absolutely no excuse but to get back to work (I always swore that I would never come to think of writing as work; oh how wrong I was)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


I have just had my first ever experience of fencing. I have to say, it was a lot of fun, but bloody hell it was exhausting.
As a writer one thing I pride myself on is that I actually do, occasionally, do research, and I do believe that all fantasy writers should at least try a few of the things, like fencing, that their characters are going to have to do. I plan to join the fencing club properly, and will hopefully be giving archery a go this week, all under the guise of 'research'. Truthfully, I'm just a bit of a geek, and archery and fencing are things I've wanted to try since I was a child, along with horse-riding. I couldn't afford it back then, or more my parents couldn't afford it for me, so the fact that my uni has fencing and archery clubs is wonderful for me.
Of course, they also have an equestrian club, but I still can't afford that and I really don't expect that to change any time soon, so I'll just have to settle for watching showjumping on the TV.