Well, I left my lab report until the last minute. I've always said that if I keep doing that one day I won't get it done on time, and guess what? I was right at the worst possible time! Yeah, I think I'm going to fail this unit, to say the least, and I honestly can't find the motivation to care.
I had my Navy medical some weeks ago, and it doesn't look too bad but I need to get off my arse and get the doctor to fill some forms out, which, as with any trip to the doctors, I've been putting off. I'll have to go when I'm back at campus, since I'm now home for the holidays.
And, on that note, it's only the 21st and I'm already thinking I'll stay at uni next Christmas. I'm not really a Christmas person, and while I suppose I don't really want to see all of my relatives burn to death (if only because there'd be nobody to look after my snake for me) I don't think I can handle any more Christmases with them. Fuck, I'm not sure if I'll last this one. Needless to say, my Mom's her usual self, picking fights over every little thing and having to make everybody else miserable, and it's been quite some time since I've stopped holding out hope for peaceful, productive visits to my Dad's, so you'll probably hear some sort of rant about him in another week or so.
On the bright side, I might actually make the effort to meet up with some friends while I'm home, which will be nice. I generally prefer not to keep too many friends, since I never know where to put them, but I rather like the ones I have so it'll be nice to see them again.
Oh, and I left all of my alcohol back in dorms. So, yeah, those friends may have to stop me from murdering my family, since the old method for that isn't really available right now.