Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Archery Update

So, I still suck at archery (and also fencing and quidditch and just about everything else, mind) but I've grown to accept that. But that's not what this update is about. No, this update is about just how easily amused I am.
Earlier in the week, one of the lads let another fresher (actually not myself) use his arrows. His £10 a piece arrows. I think we can guess where this is going...

You have no idea how glad I am that that wasn't mine (nor my doing).

Even more easily amused am I, I got one of my own arrows stuck in the boss, and it took a fair it it out with it when I finally got it out. Now, this isn't an uncommon occurrence, because really layers of foam sheets aren't the sturdiest of materials, but it's actually the first time this has happened to me. Besides, I kind of like having proof that I can hit the target instead of the wall.

And, just to make this whole thing rather awkward and uncomfortable, I got a lift back to dorms from archery and it turns out one of the girls there lived in my room last year... and promptly informed me that she'd had sex in my bed...
Now, I wasn't so naive as to think such things hadn't happened in the bed that I now sleep in, but I was trying really hard to pretend I was, and doing a fairly good job of it until now. Well, there goes my denial :\

Note: Forgot to press post, silly me, and I have a backlog of post to get up now :p

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