Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Lessons Learned

It's been a moderately busy summer, and by moderately busy I mean that I've had absolutely nothing to do. I had some technical issues earlier in the summer, which were repaired some weeks back now, and have gotten back to some projects that had been left unattended over the summer.
I also got a few new stories out, and have just learned a very valuable lesson. You see, I just got an acceptance for an anthology, which is absolutely wonderful, especially since this was quite an out-of-genre experience for me, to say the least (and also because I might be making some money off of this one, but really that's not what I write for). As it's so different to what I normally write, I'm using a pseudonym.
So, my important lessons learned. I could tell you how I've learned that, even if I'm not used to writing something I should give it a go anyway, that I should have more faith in myself as a writer, that I've learned to step out of my comfort zones as an author and try new things in my writing... But what am I saying; what I've actually learned is that, at least when there's payment involved, authors have to fill out quite a bit of paperwork, and that is something that I do not enjoy.
Small price to pay to put "Published Author" beside my name, I know, but it's times like these that I really wish I could afford to hire somebody else to take care of the tedious tasks for me.

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