So, it is Thursday afternoon. I moved into university dorms on Saturday, and spent the weekend getting settled in, meeting my new dorm-mates and making an adequate mess of my new room. I was going to post something about it on Monday evening, but one of my Dorm-mates convinced me to go out instead.
Well, I say convinced me, but I'll admit that he didn't really have to work very hard. I
Anyway, Monday evening I got drunk. I got in such a state, in fact, that I received the closest thing to divine retribution there is in the form of a two day hangover. I am not proud of myself, to say the least.
So, I couldn't blog Monday for obvious reasons, nor Tuesday because I think I may have temporarily died, Wednesday I didn't quite feel up to it though I did just about manage to leave the dorm and today is Thursday. And... that's probably all that I have to tell you right now. So, yeah...
Also, in case you were wondering about the seemingly random title, scrambled eggs is my 'hangover food'. As in, it's what I eat when i feel like shit and can't actually blame anybody but myself. Thank F- I can actually at least cook that much.
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