Saturday, 28 December 2013

The one where I actually bothered to go to the doctors...

It wasn't a chest infection, merely an extremely severe cold that caused me to pull abdominal muscles from all of the coughing and had me incapacitated for about a fortnight. So, yeah, it was a really bad cold.
Christmas has  been an gone, and I can't say I'm not a little relieved. Christmas has this nasty habit of being far more work than it's worth, even if we did manage to avoid the drama and histrionics this year.
I've gotten all of my work in now, save for what's due in mid January, and I only have a couple of exams this year so at least I can have a little bit of a break over the holidays rather than spending the whole thing revising. Which is good, because I only just recovered from the previously mentioned cold in time to actually get all of my work in, which has just about finished me off, and I'm about to take on a pretty big project which I'm sure that I will regret and which I'm about to tell you about.
You see, starting on the first of January I plan to write a 100 word drabble every day for the entire year. Yes, that's write, EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.
Now, I know I have a habit of not following things through (I still don't know a single word of Russian besides yes and no) so that's why this is such a big thing. By putting this on the internet, it will be clear to everybody if I give up after a couple of weeks. I'm kind of hoping that will motivate me to keep at it and not fail miserably.
I've opted to call the whole thing "The Acellevin Project", as Acellevin is the name of the invented fantasy land where most of these stories will inevitably be set. I will be uploading the stories onto this blog here: and also onto a tumblr I've created just for this purpose, if I can figure out how the whole thing works, which is at:
While I won't make any promises that this will actually go to plan, I can say I will do my best, or, in the very least, do my best for the first few weeks. Mostly I'm just hoping this won't quite be a complete and total disaster.

And, honestly, I've no idea why I even do these things, because, let's face it, there's no way anybody is actually reading this.

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