Sunday, 8 December 2013

What I meant to post during summer

Well, this has been a hectic couple of weeks - okay, make that months, and I should really update more frequently. I finished those masks, and after I get the paint touched up in a couple of places that were chipped in transport, I'll upload some photos for you at some point.
In other news, I'm pretty sure that I've officially failed first year, and while I usually do badly despite having worked extremely hard - or, rather, that's how things used to go - this year I have entirely brought it upon myself. Honestly, I'm not even sure what's happened. I used to be extremely hard working and ambitious, with a pretty strong moral code to boot.
Now? Well, my ambitions are still to join the armed forces, but as a rate rather than an officer, which is still a respectable plan but not quite as ambitious.
I also no longer work that hard, having lost interest in... well... pretty much everything, really. I think I may have just given up at life. Honestly, I've been losing this game for a while now, and admittedly I'm beginning to wonder what the point is.
I'm back home over the summer and now need to find something to entertain myself with. I don't see it going to well, if I'm honest. I still don't have the motivation to really do anything with myself, and I've been ill. I spent some time in the west midlands, and now am down in the west country, so you might actually get some photos
I could rant about multiple different things, too, but I couldn't be bothered to do that when they happened and I can't be bothered to now.

And, in other random news, I at least had an excuse to go out and get drunk the last couple of weeks of uni. We had the SU society awards, which was conveniently a masked ball (yes, I did wear one of the home made masks, I'll let you know which when I upload the photos), and Quidditch won an award for something but I can't quite remember what. I didn't get too drunk, though, because I was ill.
Then, the Rock Society had their end of year festival/12-hour piss-up thing, and the Pagan society were there doing card readings. That was fun, but again, I was ill, and ended up going home early, and didn't get even slightly drunk.
So, yeah, I hate being ill.

EDIT: Holy shit I meant to post this near the end of the summer, forgot, it's just been sitting in my drafts and it's now almost time for the obligatory Christmas rant... Well shit...

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